Quartz crystals have been used since ancient times as powerful healing objects, meditation tools, and medicines (in the form of elixirs). Known in these ancient times as “veins of the earth”. Quartz is used to amplify, clarify and store energy. Quartz has been long recognized for its ability to produce electrical impulses. (Pressure on quartz crystal generates a minute electrical charge call piezoelectricity). The energy that radiates from clear quartz, the piezoelectric effect, amplifies healing abilities. Edgar Cayce stated that the largest crystal generator is buried under the Atlantic Ocean near Devil’s Triangle, and the massive shift of focused electromagnetic energy is what causes ships and planes to go astray.
The energy radiant from clear quartz and other crystals is resonant with the human aura; this is its healing attribute. The resonance occurs rapidly, within a few moments of holding a crystal or gemstone in the hand. Energy from crystals passes through and penetrates all matter, even into human cells. Crystal energy transmission has a magnetic polarity similar to the natural aura polarity used in laying on of hands. Quartz crystals, in their wonderfully helpful way, will help you tune in to your Higher Self.
Crystals energy, in the form of vibration, form a field around them. Some small crystals will project a field of energy, covering a smaller area and some larger crystals will project a field of energy covering a larger area. This is not always the deciding factor of the energetic field. Clarity is usually more important.
When working with crystal energy, it is necessary to be willing to accept a certain amount of discipline and responsibility.
There is no right or wrong method only the one that works for you. For some people working with crystals will happen immediately while it may take others longer.
The best way to work with crystals is to experience it yourself. You can align your energy to the tune of the crystal by keeping it in your space, whether it is the physical connection or emotional connection. The energy of the crystal will go where it needs to go as long as you are in the company of them.
Working with crystals can help transcend our mind to move beyond the space of our self limiting mind and ego.
When a person becomes emotionally distressed, a weakness occurs and forms in his subtle body. Dis-ease may soon follow. With a properly attuned crystal, a healer can help release negative patterns in the energy body, allowing the physical body to return to a state of wholeness.
One method for using a crystal in healing is to tune in to the energy field of the crystal lovingly, projecting your energy into the crystal, resonating in harmony with the crystal. When you (the healer) feels the crystal is charged, scan the subtle body of the person, being sensitive to areas of obvious imbalance where healing energies should be directed. A good focal point is the heart chakra, where through visualization the problems intuitively felt can be brought to awareness. Then snap the crystal, like a whip cracking (by flicking the wrist and holding the crystal), releasing the negativity that was held in the subtle body.
Quartz crystals have extremely high and exact rates of vibration that can be precisely manipulated due to the crystal’s tendency to resonate in harmony with any vibration with which it is brought into contact.
Working with crystals and being clear on what you want will clarify the intention in your field. Quartz crystal will raise lower vibratory rates up to its own high level. Also, it generates negative ions to create a feeling of a refreshing, harmonious, uplifting atmosphere around it.
Intention is extremely important.
Quartz crystals will automatically harmonize and re-create the vibration of any object with which it is placed in direct physical proximity and/ or can be directed to do this by the use of our conscious intention.
Four Quartz Points would be ideal for your Crystal Grid, Clear Quartz amplifies the energy of other crystals, making them stronger in vibration.