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Super Seven Bracelet


5 in stock

Stretch Bracelet, 8mm

All Chakra Association

5 in stock


Super Seven/ Melody’s Stone, is a combination of seven crystals; Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Goethite and Lepidocrocite. It contains the healing energy of all 7 of these minerals.

Amethyst : Healing Qualities: Magnifies the energy of other crystals. Protection, balance (physical, emotional, mental). Relieves homesickness, helps negotiation skills, wealth, business success, moving forward in life, coping with responsibility and change, and public speaking. Purification.

Physical: Helps the cause of dis-ease, cancer, good for hearing, good posture, hormones, acne, asthma, migraines, insomnia, blood clots, and arthritis. Good for health of the immune, circulatory, and nervous systems. Good for bones, teeth, liver, and endocrine glands. Helps with drunkenness and addiction, especially alcoholism. Aids in detoxing and blood cleansing.

Emotional/ Spiritual: helps with OCD, anger, violence tendencies, calms passion, nerves, over sensitivity, grief, emotional energy, and tension. Enhances the aura, self-esteem, meditation, spirit contact, and spirituality.

Clear Quartz Healing Qualities: A power stone. Helps for concentration, increases inspiration and creativity.

Physical: Helps diabetes, ear infections, hearing, MS, ME, obesity, pain, discomfort, spinal health, tinnitus.

Emotional/ Spiritual: Purifies the spiritual, mental, and physical plains, bringing an aura of protection. Improves your quality of life, makes you feel happier, re-energizes, you in all situations, channels energy, focuses the mind, aids meditation, relieves negativity.

Smoky Quartz Healing Qualities: Helps to live in the present moment. Good for organizational skills, it clears up miscommunication, opens up the paths of perception. Can assist in overcoming grief and despair, allowing healing, reconciliation and a sense of joy. Good for survival instincts, male energies, mental activity, offers protection by dissipating negativity, helpful if you habitually spend too much money.

Physical: Helps stammering. Good for sexual energy, physical expression. Good for legs, knees, ankles, feet and hands.

Emotional/ Spiritual: Good for sedation, relaxation, channels energy through the hands (Reiki/ Spiritual Healing). Helps depression. Speeds up the law of Karma.

Rutile Healing Qualities: For strength and vitality.

Physical: Good for mental health and healing. Calms the nervous system, Parkinson’s disease.

Emotional/ Spiritual: Helps with mental breakdown, calms, removes energy blocks, helps depression.

Cacoxenite Healing Qualities: Lifts us to a higher level of resonance, accelerating the energetic ‘purpose’ of a crystal. ‘Awakener’, for it opens people up to the infinite field of intelligence that links all of creation, and in this awakened state problems no longer exist, there are only solutions and enlightened ways of creating peace and harmony on Earth.

Goethite Healing Qualities: Transforms old unconscious beliefs into new vibrations consistent with your conscious awakened desires / gifts / higher purpose.

Lepidocrocite Healing Qualities: Aligns and harmonizes the energetic body while grounding.

Each stone, being a product of nature, varies in color, shape and size and are approximately 7″-8″.

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