Port Jefferson (631) 642-2377 | Oyster Bay (516) 588-9494 | San Antonio (210) 272-0260

Selenite Bracelet


19 in stock

Stretch Bracelet, 8mm

Crown Chakra Association

19 in stock


Healing Qualities: Named for Selene, a Greek moon goddess, because of it’s color, glowing like the moon.

Physical: For back or spinal pain, sex drive and sleep, menstrual cycle, skin elasticity, a youthful appearance. Helps wrinkles, age spots, skin problems- such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, skin sensitivity. Helps loss of fertility, hair loss, epilepsy, light sensitivity. Alleviates the effects of leakage from mercury amalgam fillings. Helps conditions that are associated with free radicals, including cancer and tumors. Helps abuse.

Emotional/ Spiritual: Expands your awareness, helps you enter a meditative state, and increases telepathic abilities. Selenite is great for cleansing your stones and dispelling negative energy. Selenite can remove energy blocks from physical and etheric bodies. It’s great for meditation and spiritual work, it will also clear the energy in a room. Selenite is a crystallized form of gypsum.

Please do not immerse your Selenite in water or it can eventually dissolve the mineral.

Each stone, being a product of nature, varies in color, shape and size and are approximately 7″-8″.


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