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Rose Quartz Sphere


10 in stock

Rose Quartz Sphere, Crystal Ball, 20mm

Heart Chakra Association

10 in stock

SKU: SphereRose30mm Categories: , Tags: , , , , , , ,


Healing Qualities: Magnifies creativity and imagination. Good for writing, art, and music.

Physical: Good for complexion, youthful appearance, fertility and the menstrual cycle. Good for the health of the adrenal glands, heart, blood, circulation, kidneys, and spleen. Helps general aches and pains, wrinkles, asthma, vertigo, coughs, flu, varicose veins, and burns (including sunburn). Balances sex drive and helps sexual frustration. Helps detoxing.

Emotional/ Spiritual: Calming. Good for forgiveness, love, romance and relationships. Enhances female energy and qualities. Helps crisis, phobias, anger, stress, tension, fear, quilt, grief, inadequacy, jealousy, resentment, and the feeling of being emotionally wounded. Helps childhoods experiences and emotions.

Each stone, being a product of nature, varies in color, shape and size and are approximately 2″.

Crystal balls have been used for scrying for thousands of years, dating back to the 1500’s. Scrying is the art of looking into a reflective surface, such as glass, water, a mirror or a crystal to gain mystical insight. Most everyone is familiar with the image of a gypsy fortune-teller gazing into her crystal ball and divining someone’s future. Along with this image comes the common misconception that crystal balls have magical powers that enable them to foretell the future. However the images seen with a crystal ball aren’t the foretelling of future events, but rather images from deep within one’s subconscious mind, and the crystal ball is the door through which these subconscious thoughts can be accessed.

When using a crystal ball, a trance-like state is induced that dissociates one’s consciousness, enabling information from the subconscious to pass through the mind’s eye. It is here the images are seen, not in the crystal itself. Some believe there is no mysticism to crystal balls or spheres at all. Crystals carry an electric charge called piezoelectricity that can be converted into electrical signals. This electric charge is the very reason that cut crystals are used in watches, TV and radio transmitters. Crystals can also provide oscillations that can drive- very accurate clocks. A quartz crystal clock will not vary more than a thousandth of a second per day.

Rose Quartz Crystal Balls are good for questions about love, family, animals, fertility, self esteem, the home and children. Rose Quartz is good in moonlight or soft natural light but not bright sunlight. Not as effective with candles.

We have a large selection of spheres. We have clear quartz, amethyst, rose, smokey, rutilated, calcite, fluorite, selenite, calcite, angelite, nebula, carnelian, ocean jasper, labradorite, lapis, blue chalcedony, etc. If you would like additional photos of any of them, please email us with your preferences and we will happily email you more photos. Also, if you do not see what you are looking for, email us at breathegifts@gmail.com