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Moldavite Incense Sticks


100 in stock

Moldavite/ 20 Incense Sticks

The Original line of Moldavite Incense and Fragrance Products est. 1987.

Contains authentic Moldavite essence.

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Real Moldavite Essence from Green Tektite Found in the Moldau River Valley / Czech Republic / Compliments Moldavite Energies. (Moldau River Tektite: Formed from a giant meteorite impact 14.7 million years ago).

Made With Tincture Of Moldavite and 6 Essential Oils creating a lovely subtle aroma perfect for meditation or just a calming aromatic environment in your home or place of practice. This special blend of all natural ingredients contains the essence of Moldavite. Each package contains about 20 sticks of incense which are 10.5 inches long. Providing over 10 hours of calming, subtle aroma, perfect for those ready to move forward with spiritual vitality! Try using it during meditation to help enhance that meditative state and astral travel experience.

Moldavite is the product of a meteor collision with Earth nearly 15 millions years ago. It fell over what is now called the Moldau River valley into the Czech Republic. These green Gems are among the most rare minerals on earth. They have been prized by humans for thousands of years and are still given as gifts from royalty to royalty. In legend, it is believed Moldavite was the green stone in the Holy Grail and has the power to quicken one’s spiritual evolution.

Even people not sensitive to the energies of stones often feel the energy of Moldavite. Many sense it as heat, tingling, or a pulsing sensation in their hand. Others feel a rush of energy through their body, usually upwards out the top of their head. Moldavite’s high vibrational energy is a powerful chakra opener, particularly at the heart and above. Sleeping with Moldavite activates the dream state. Wearing it helps manifest positive life change. Moldavite is a special stone of the highest and purest vibration believed to be assisting with the awakening of humanity, and is even associated with the holy grail (an “emerald that fell from the sky”). it is a transformational and activating stone, known to promote spiritual evolution, physical cleansing, spiritual breakthroughs, and manifest positive life change. it can also activate the dream state. this stone stimulates Kundalini and deeply opens, cleanses and activates all chakras, especially the heart and above. it is also said to bring harmony to marital relationships. Moldavite is a combination of meteoric material and earth rock, associated with a meteoric collision. it resonates with the connection of earth and cosmos and our connection to both (and all realms in between). it is a stone for accelerating one on the path of their highest destiny and evolution, vibrating to the tune of pure, perfect wholeness. love your journey!